Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Countdown Begins

Only 9 days until we leave! This photo is of the front door of our little flat in Marseille. It's going to be a bit packed with 5 of us in 3 bedrooms and 2 WCs, but that's livin'.

Do French people really put creme fraiche on everything? Let's hope not, I don't really need sour cream/yogurty stuff on my chow.

Any tips?


  1. The french put cheese on everything! Oh....get the gazpacho from spain in the grocery store, its amazing.

  2. I would say to always greet them with a Bonjoir/Bonswa and they'll be so cool to you.
    I'm so excited for your adventures!
    When I was there in September I didn't get creme fraiche on everything---though I sure wish I did!! YUM! :)
